Wednesday, January 30, 2013


One thing I need to work on is impulse buys. For example, I ordered macarons (that are expected to arrive today) from NYC. I've never had a macaron before, but for some reason I was craving them on Saturday (is it possible to crave something you've never had before?) and spent far too much money to have the delivered to my apartment.

My worst impulse buy to date is my bike. I spent quite a bit on this very old Schwinn beach cruiser, but unfortunately I rarely ride it because I have to pedal backwards to brake and it weighs A TON, making it really hard to ride. Oh well, at least it's pretty right?

Needless to say, I am not a planner and never have been. But writing this made me realize two things:
  •  I don't have money to support these impulse buys, so I really need to work on this.
  • I need to trade in my bike for a more functional bike.

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